
Style as Code helps C# developers write code with consistent style.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Style as Code

Style as Code helps C# developers write code with consistent style.

For more information see the Style as Code site, or browse the markdown docs directly.

Contributing to the docs

The Style as Code site is generated from a collection of markdown files. The root can be found here.

The pages live in folders that correspond to the top-level items of the navigation menu. Parent & grandparent relationships are maintained using the corresponding front matter titles.

None of the markdown is currently generated by any tools, so feel free to contribute changes. The site is built on any commits to master.

Most of the docs are created and maintained using Visual Studio Code with these markdown-related extensions:

Contributing to the site

The Style as Code site is hosted on GitHub Pages. It gets statically generated using a fork of Just the Docs, a Jekyll theme.

The fork exists mainly to apply css styling, with minor HTML & Liquid tweaks.

The site is meant to share information in a distraction free environment, so bells and whistles are kept ot a minimum.

Basic Google Analytics is set up just to check if any pages get traction and could therefore use more attention. This was mainly done because it only took a single line in the YAML config file.

Other contributions

The issues are available to discuss or propose:

  • Any recommendations that have been made
  • Future recommendations
  • Changes to the docs structure
  • Changes to the Style as Code site
  • Whatever you'd like