
A simple zsh package manager

MIT LicenseMIT


A simple zsh package manager.

What is this

A simple zsh package manager implementation. This project is an example project of kmhjs/zcl .


  1. Clone this project. (Or download zpm file)
  2. Clone kmhjs/zcl project. (Or download zcl file)
  3. Update your FPATH with path to zpm and zcl file.
  4. Call autoload -Uz zcl and autoload -Uz zpm in .zshrc etc.
  5. Configure your plugin.conf .

Dry-run mode

If you want to use dry-run mode, pass zpm_dry_run=1 to zpm as environment variable.

zpm_dry_run=1 zpm --update


Configuration file path

Normal configuration file path is ${HOME}/.config/zpm/plugin.conf .
If you want to change the path, define path as variable ZPM_CONFIGURATION_PATH .

Configuration format

  :name      zsh-syntax-highlighting
  :url       https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git
  :base_path ./plugin
  :name      zsh-completions
  :url       https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-completions.git
  :base_path ./plugin/plugin-sub


This project is distributed under MIT License. See LICENSE .


Currently, this project is under development.