Aiven Monitor

Website monitoring with Kafka and Postgres.

The project is split in two binaries:

  • aiven-monitor-checker : runs the monitoring probes and sends the result to Kafka.
  • aiven-monitor-writer : reads from Kafka and stores the result in Postgres.

The monitoring probes are configurable from a file:

url =
interval_secs = 20
expected_pattern = Perf.?rmant|\bFree\b|Scalable
url =
interval_secs = 60
url =
interval_secs = 120

Dev Setup

python3 -m venv --clear --upgrade-deps venv
source venv/bin/activate
venv/bin/pip install --constraint constraints.txt --requirement dev-requirements.txt

Containerized Demo

This runs local Postgres and Kafka instances along with the checker and writer.

This still requires Python, OpenSSL and keytool (from the Java JRE/JDK) in addition to Docker.

Docker Swarm is used to handle SSL secrets between the different services.

docker swarm init
docker service logs aiven-monitor-test_writer --timestamps 2>&1 -f

Running the Checker

See the Checker documentation for the configuration options.

aiven-monitor-checker --config=/path/to/checker.ini

Running the Writer

See the Writer documentation for the configuration options.

aiven-monitor-writer --config=/path/to/writer.ini

Running Tests & Building Docs

The tests are also configured with Github Actions to run against real Aiven services after each push.

sphinx-build -a docs target/docs