U.S. State Capital Quiz using React



Quiz App Screenshot


This app is a React version of an earlier State Capital Quiz app which used jQuery. This app allows the user to test their knowledge of U.S. State Capitals via a ten-question quiz. It starts with a title screen, displaying on-screen instructions and a start button. Upon clicking the start button, the user must answer ten questions. After each question, a page will display that tells the user if they answered correctly or, if not, will display the correct answer. At the end of the quiz, a final score screen will display how many answers the user got correct. This page features a button that resets the quiz and allows the user to start over.

Recently updated to version 1.1, now using Redux!


Technologies used for this app include React, Redux, JavaScript, CSS, and JSX. App is deployed to Heroku. Content layout is achieved with Flexbox. Multiple tests for the components are written using Enzyme, to test the app's overall functionality. This app strives to follow a11y best practices by utilizing React Helmet to implement the language attribute, using aria-live settings and landmark roles, and by providing sufficient font size and color contrast.