Chart of nuclides drawer


This script produces chart of nuclides in svg format from data
provided in xml document. The chart in svg format is particularly useful
for all kinds of presentations or posters since the SVG graphics is scalable
without loss of quality.


    usage: ChartDrawer.py [-h] [--names] [--halflives] [--magic] [--numbers]
                        [--z Z Z] [--n N N]
                        datafile outfile

    positional arguments:
    datafile     Input data base XML file (required)
    outfile      Output data SVG file (required)

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help   show this help message and exit
    --names      Disable names
    --halflives  Disable half-lives
    --magic      Disable magic numbers
    --numbers    Disable numbers along axis
    --unknown    Disable isotopes with unknown decay mode
    --z Z Z      Atomic number Z range (int), default: [0, 120]
    --n N N      Neutron number N range (int), default: [0, 180]


The Nubase2xml.py script will generate the input xml file from Nubase format.
There are two versions available - nubtab03.asc and nubtab12.asc - 
2003 and 2012 editions respectively. For the latter use Nubase12_2xml.py since
the Nubase authors changed slightly the format.
See http://amdc.in2p3.fr/nubase/Nubase2012-v3.pdf for more details.

The Nwc2xml.py script will generate xml file from Nuclear Wallet Cards
ascii format. See http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/wallet/
Nuclear Waller Cards by J.K. Tulli, National Nuclear Data Center,
Brookhaven National Laboratory

Map layout

The generated chart of nuclides is generally following (but not exactly) the
format of Karlsruher Chart of Nuclides. The nuclides are coded with colors
according to primary decay mode:
* Black - stable
* Yellow - Alpha
* Red - B+/EC
* Blue - B-
* Green - fission
* Orange - proton / two-proton emission
* Violet - cluster emission
* Light blue - neutron / two-neutron emission
* Gray - unknown

Secondary decay mode is indicated by triangle. A large triangle is used if
secondary decay mode branching is larger then 5%. Otherwise small triangle is
used (likewise for tertiary decay mode).

A Nuclide classes provides parser to read data from NuBase/NWC ascii file or xml
document. Note that some informations are not being used on the chart 
(e.g. mass of nuclides, isomeric states), but are present in the data base.
The Nuclide class can easily used to write scripts using these informations 
as well.

Copyright Krzysztof Miernik 2012

Distributed under GNU General Public Licence v3