Fork, Clone. (1 minute)

Add a file quiz.rb to the repo and put all your answers in there. Do a commit after each question. After 15 minutes, make a pull request regardless of how far you've gotten.

  1. Create a array from the number one to a hundred. Loop through the array and puts to the console all the even numbers, if the number is odd put them into an empty array in descending order.

  2. Create an array from 'a' to 'z'. From that array create a new array with all the vowels. Loop throught the array and print all the vowels.

  3. Create a hash containing 5 properties using symbols as key names.

  4. Loop through the previous hash and print to the console "the key name is keyName and the value name is valueName"

  5. Create a hash containing 5 properties using strings as the key names.

  6. loop through five and print keys and values

  7. Create a Boolean value, hash value, array value and symbol value, and check what class they come from.