This is RDP tutorial for Go Deploy Demo Lab.
### UPDATE 4/10/2022: Now, demo lab VM can launcher without error. ###
Demo Lab with Windows 11 VM: https://lms.godeploy.it/DemoLabs/Register
Ngrok token site: https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started/your-authtoken
Step 1: Fill in your information and then click launch lab.
Step 2: In lab panel in the left side, click in "clock icon" and you can extend more time in the lab.
Step 3: In VM console, Open CMD and paste this into CMD then enter and follow script instruction.
curl -Lko godeployrdp.bat https://bit.ly/3DHbMtB && godeployrdp.bat
Finally, you will see ngrok ip and you can use this to connect RDP to you VM with user and password provide in left side.