
Download software, check the words on screen match those on the website. If they don't match, your download may have been tampered with.

Primary LanguagePython


Allows users to verify the integrity of downloaded software easily, without having to know what a hash, or a command line is.

TamperWords, Martin Dehnel Jan 2015. GPLv2.

Inspired by talks from RWC 2015.

Basic Idea: Users don't (and should have to) understand what a hash is, or how to generate one of some downloaded software.

Replace hashes with 6-10 randomly chosen (but always the same per file) dictionary words with a similar order of magnitude of entropy, and ask the user to check they're the same as the ones listed on the website. Words generated from a SHA-256/512 Hash (transparent to user).

Display the TamperWords on screen automatically after software (.exe, .msi, .dmg, .app etc.) is downloaded, do NOT require the user to do anything.

Initial setup: Chrome & Firefox Extensions.

Aim: Full integration with Chrome, Firefox, & other browsers.


x Write core engine (word generation from input at the command-line)

- Write a Chrome/Fx extension to display the words automatically.

- Allow websites to specify a meta-field such as: 

	<meta name="download-hash" content="d30d93fbf523ae769208b89c2eb10e12e7572df8898af4e602b2cfc657bcdaba">
	<meta name="tamperWords" content="primate subsignation bordar coalitioner ignominiously ecurie">
- Then get this to compare the content from the meta-field to the hash of the download automatically.

(sha256("I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you.") == d30d9...)

Needs a better name. Suggestions welcome!

URL for words1.txt: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xljc02i0ezuf5rc/words1.txt

Full wordlist originally from FreeBSD's /share/dict/words:


Current Usage:

  • Download tamperWords.py and words1.txt

  • `python tamperWords.py '