[MOVED] Grunt task for running mocha specs in a headless browser (PhantomJS)
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Does it make sense to archive this repository?
#167 opened by thekashifmalik - 1
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Viewport Size
#86 opened by kaihowl - 10
mocha > 2.4.5 fails with reporter xunit
#163 opened by fry2k - 1
Please, add tag 1.02
#166 opened by marcelometal - 5
JSON reporter doesn't write output to file
#145 opened by swaroopsm - 1
Update to Latest Grunt please?
#162 opened - 6
Bump grunt-lib-phantomjs to ^1.0.0
#157 opened by wrumsby - 0
[Request] Support for retry arg
#159 opened by svattenky - 1
Mocha reporters don't have results
#156 opened by sateffen - 4
XUnit: invalid XML if running multiple suites
#141 opened by givankin - 1
Error cannot set property 'o' of undefined
#124 opened by DavidSichau - 3
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iframe, embed, and objects intermittently fail, onLoadFinished gets called multiple times
#144 opened by saiichihashimoto - 2
PhantomJS hangs around after tests
#152 opened by ryan-shaw - 5
option for mocha-clean
#147 opened by ain - 2
JSON reporter not working, dest file not in JSON
#115 opened by ain - 1
Support for --recursive flag
#153 opened by haysclark - 2
Upgrade phatomjs version
#84 opened by englercj - 9
Guard against cyclic structures in bridge.js
#100 opened by alexstrat - 0
Support for --compilers option
#151 opened by joseluisq - 1
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Phantom JS Timing Out
#146 opened by Undistraction - 3
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Ability to pass TZ parameter to Phantom
#142 opened by HamletDRC - 1
Is there a way to run this without phantomjs?
#139 opened by jsatk - 0
Source maps
#138 opened by adamw - 1
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no way to pass --inline-diffs option to mocha
#136 opened by drom - 0
Console.log breaks json results
#135 opened by jrock2004 - 4
How to debug single task?
#134 opened by benmarten - 2
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Can I use a multiple CI reporters simultaneously?
#125 opened by bitoiu - 1
Feature: difference in console and file output
#117 opened by ain - 4
test passing in browser, failing in console.
#122 opened by salarkhan - 4
Mocha 1.18.0
#119 opened by Bartvds - 2
Timeout stays at 2000ms?
#121 opened by stevenvachon - 2
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What is the 'tasks' option is for?
#112 opened by juriejan - 1
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npm install fail
#107 opened by jgallen23 - 0
options.urls not documented correctly
#103 opened by zgardner - 5
No complete sample with requirejs
#98 opened by yamsellem - 1
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Compatibility with grunt 0.4.2
#96 opened by timmywil - 3
PhantomJS timed out error when using mocha 1.14.0
#93 opened by abiyasa - 1
It will duplicate console output while I'm try to chain the grunt-watch with grunt-mocha
#90 opened by rayshih - 1
Correct 'index' to 'src' in README example
#89 opened by tnunamak