
sloria's dotfiles, rewritten as Ansible roles. Will eventually support MacOSX, Ubuntu, and Red Hat platforms.

a few neat features

  • zsh configured with prezto.
  • nice fonts for the terminal and coding.
  • iterm2 themes.
  • anaconda python
  • a tmux.conf that's pretty neat
  • vim with Vundle for plugin management. All configuration in a single file .vimrc
  • pluggable. Everything is optional. Fork this. Remove what you don't use. Configure what you do use.

prerequisites (install these first)

  • ansible >= 1.6
  • homebrew (If on Mac OSX)
  • git (homebrew installable on Mac OSX)


Clone the repo

# Replace git url with your fork if applicable
# NOTE: It is important that you clone to ~/dotfiles
$ git clone ~/dotfiles
$ cd ~/dotfiles

Copy local variables file.

$ cp group_vars/local.example group_vars/local

IMPORTANT: Change group_vars/local to your liking.

Run the installation script.

$ ./bin/dot


Once you have the dotfiles installed you can run the following command to rerun the ansible playbook:

$ dot

To update the dotfiles repo:

$ cd ~/dotfiles
$ git pull


There are three main commands in the bin directory for setting up and updating development environments:

  • dot: sets up local environment.
  • dot-remote: sets up remote environments.
  • vdot: sets up vagrant environments.

special files

All configuration is done in ~/dotfiles. Each role may contain (in addition to the typical ansible directories and files) a number of special files

  • role/*.zsh: Any files ending in .zsh get loaded into your environment.
  • bin/: Anything in bin/ will get added to your $PATH and be made available everywhere.


zsh on Mac OSX

In order for zsh to work on OSX, you may need to add /usr/local/bin/zsh to your /etc/shells

/etc/shells should look something like this:

# List of acceptable shells for chpass(1).
# Ftpd will not allow users to connect who are not using
# one of these shells.

# Add this


To install fonts on OSX, simply drag the .ttf files in misc/fonts directory onto the Font Book application.


The python topic installs the Anaconda Python distribution using the miniconda installer. The installation is entirely self-contained, and lives at ~/miniconda.

iterm2 color themes

To import an iterm theme from the misc/iterm-themes directory, open your iTerm2 preferences and go to your Profiles settings. In the color tab, click the Load preset dropdown and choose "Import".

setting up remote dev environments

The remote_env.yml playbook can set up a minimal subset of these dotfiles on remote machines.

Just add the remote hosts you want to target under the [remote] group of the hosts file.


Then copy the group_vars/remote.example to group_vars/remote

$ cp group_vars/remote.example group_vars/remote

Update the following variables in group_vars/remote:

  • dotfiles_user_home : Your user home directory.
  • git_user : Your git user name.
  • git_email : Your git email.

Then run the dot-remote command.

$ ./bin/dot-remote


  • Full Debian and Red Hat support
  • Add more options to dot script, e.g. for skipping tasks