Welcome to Goal Tracker:

A student and teacher platform for data tracking, data visualization, smart goal creation based on data, and teacher review.


Project description

Data Tracking:

Students can add, edit, and delete assignments in the four categories of classwork, homework, projects and assessments. addsee

Data Trends:

Using the student's assignment data and Chart.js, various graphs help students visual their data and understand the trends in their work and their progress. data

Goal Setting:

Students use data trends to create meaningful, data-based SMART goals that teachers can review. At the end of the goal, students can provide a reflection based on their final data. goals

Teacher Dashboard:

Teachers can monitor student assignment data, goals, and provide meaningful feedback in a quick, easy to use dashboard. teacher


After forking and cloning this repo:

cd goal-tracker-react
npm install

This command will move you into the app directory and install all the necessary dependencies.

API Integration

For more information about the knex.js powered database please see the following links:

Deployed Database: https://goaltrackerdb.herokuapp.com/

Database Github: https://github.com/kmkingdon/goal-tracking-db


MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Kevin Kingdon

Author contact

Kevin Kingdon
Website kmkingdon.info
LinkIn /in/kevin-kingdon/