Kernel Density Estimation on Homomorphically Encrypted Data

This repo contains the codes for my MPhil thesis.


  • folder main contains the functions used to create the figures
  • folder nonparametrics contains lower-level functions
  • once main.jl is run, folder figures will contain all figures
  • folders HEAAN-1.0 and ntl-11.4.3 might be required if HAAN.out needs to be recompiled (see below)

How to Run?

Make sure that julia is installed with the following packages:

  • Plots.jl
  • Distributions.jl
  • SpecialFunctions.jl
  • QuadGK.jl
  • JLD.jl
  • LaTeXStrings.jl
  • DelimitedFiles.jl

Once they are installed, clone this repo. If git is installed, this can be done from the git bash or terminal by the command git clone

Then from git bash or terminal cd mphil_thesis_codes, and then run julia ./main/src/main.jl to reproduce the thesis figures.


  • The executable main/src/HEAAN.out assumes that the machine has 8 cores. If this is not the case, HEAAN.cpp must be recompiled by g++. See main/src/HEAAN.cpp for more details.

  • HEAAN.out can be used in itself to compute HE-KDE on encrypted data. For this, replace the numbers in main/src/temp/x_data.txt with the non-encrypted i.i.d. sample and the numbers in main/src/temp/x_query.txt with the desired query points. Then run ./main/src/HEAAN.out [args], replacing [args] with the arguments described in main/src/HEAAN.cpp. The results will be written to main/src/temp/result.txt.