
ST-Link V2.1 with the VCP+MSD+SWO features available.

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ST-Link V2.1 USB dongle

This is an ST-Link V2.1 in the form of an USB dongle, similar to those available from any Chinese store. However, the IDC connector has different pinout, with the following pins available:

  • +5 V and +3.3 V, each up to 500 mA
  • TPWR for measuring target voltage or future optoisolators
  • GND
  • SSWCLK, SWDIO, NRST for programming/debugging
  • SWO for SW Trace functionality
  • RX/TX for VCP (Virtual Com Port)



Update 05/21

I've made another version, this time with an SMD crystal and a microUSB connector - it's marked as rev10D.