Convert your PSD mockups to mobile app UI.

Primary LanguageJava


This tool converts any given Photoshop Document(PSD) to Android XML layout files or Swift Layout files(Storyboard source code).

How to set file for conversion

Copy the PSD file to /src/psd/parser/ and set this file as source in TestPSD.java located in the same directory.

Psd psd = new Psd(new File(dir+"/src/psd/parser/YOUR_PSD_FILE.psd"));

Basic guidelines for conversion

  • To convert to Android XML layout set the variable android=1 located in TestPSD.java. Converted files will go to src/psd/parser/android/.(Dimensions of output UI files are best suited for nexus 5 device, you can adjust size for different devices )
  • To convert to Swift layout set the variable android=0 located in TestPSD.java. Converted files will go to src/psd/parser/storyboard/.(Dimensions of output UI files are best suited for 4.7" screen devices, you can adjust size for different devices )
  • You can use these files in respective development platforms(Android Studio or Xcode).

Guidelines for converting additional information

  • To make a button in UI, name that layer in PSD as "Button".
  • To make a Editable Text Box in UI, name that layer in PSD as "EditText".