
Card game about building city

Based on: http://www.planszomania.pl/karciane/4006/Zbuduj-swoje-miasto.html

Rewrite to not be so immutable, objects like Game should have methods that change its state

  • done.

Board should have all actions as methods Game should orchestrate, play agains Board and take inputs

  • wip/done


  • Should the API take Cards on indexes?
  • How to allow comunication over http? Two processes? Two separate player classes? with on Console UI playing two players?

Next to implement:

  • UT for HowManyCanDeal and CashPerOneCard
  • Two separate classes (taking input from the same console) communicate to one Game object.
    • pooling?
  • Architect
  • Take 5 out of 7 at the begginging
  • Do not build - take 1 out of 5 cards.
  • Finish game (by 50? points)
  • Allow only one Per Game

Card for later:

  • Ekipa budowlana
  • Szkoła
  • Park przemysłowy