
What is solves?

Everybody that uses branches for Code Review (or Pull Request/ Merge Request) has to choose how to name that branch.

This script creates branch name based on commit message with "some" convention.

BTW it is also good to have any convention for branch names in your team (company).

How it works?

Takes the last commit message and checkouts to new branch.

Some examples how the commit message is transformed to branch name

Commit message Branch name
"feat: #OLDM-324 create product endpoint" "feat/OLDM-324/create-product-endpoint"
"fix: fix email" "fix/fix-email"
"add new TODO" "add-new-todo"

How to use


Python have to be installed on your machine (unless somebody will rewrite tiny script to bash)

Unix/Mac users

  • Copy files to_branch and to your /usr/local/bin folder
  • make it executable chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/to_branch
  • run to_branch in your repository