
A Python-Flask blog website.

Primary LanguageHTML


A Python-Flask blog website.

Technologies used:

  • Python - Flask
  • SQLAlchemy
  • PostgreSQL
  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Jinja2
  • JavaScript - Ajax requests

Current Features:

  • User management - Add New, Edit Profile

  • User Validation & Verification (Signup and Login)

  • Post management - Add, Edit, Delete

  • Comment management - Add

  • Subscriptions

    • Follow/Unfollow Users
      • View Followed on HomePage
      • View Followers, Followed from Profile
    • Favourite/Unfavourite Posts
      • View Favourited from Profile
  • Filter Posts on HomePage by:

    • Category
    • Subscribed Users
    • Favourited
    • Hot
    • Trending
    • Recent
  • Search Posts by:

    • Title

Optional Features:

  • Comments - Edit, Delete
  • Search Posts by Category


  1. pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Start postgresql service with username postgres password password
  3. Within psql, CREATE DATABASE foodieblissblog
  4. Run python create_database.py
  5. Run python run.py