Meetings are in the Sky Room at 2:00, unless otherwise noted.
May 24: Kendrick Smith, general intro (backpropagation, SGD, CNN’s)
- Goodfellow et al book, sections 6-9
June 7: Ash Milsted, RBM’s (in Alice Room this week)
- Goodfellow et al book
- Background on probabilistic models and partition functions: 16.1, 16.2.1-16.2.4
- Gradient of the log-likelihood and contrastive divergence: 18.1, 18.2
- Boltzmann machines, RBMs and DBNs: 20.1-20.3
- Hinton’s guide to training an RBM
- Goodfellow et al book
June 14: Roger Melko, reinforcement learning
June 21: Moritz Munchmeyer, generative adversarial networks
June 28: Utkarsh Giri, alphago
July 5: Anna Golubeva
July 12: Elliot Nelson
- Attention and Augmented Recurrent Neural Networks (includes Neural Turing machine)
- Differentiable Neural Computers, a successor / generalization of the NTM
- Blog post on LSTMs