
Resources for those who want to better understand personal finance.

Say Goodbye to Money Confusion 👋 😧 💸

Hi! I'll be graduating college next year which means I'll need to know how to balance my money, pay off debt, create budgets, rent an apartment, start a 401k or govt savings account, etc. To be honest, I am pretty lost on how to go about doing most of those things. I know I'm not the only 20-something in this position. A lot of resources exist, but they're hard to find in one place [or maybe I just didn't find that place]. So that's why I created this repo, for me and any other people who are confused about the finances that come with being an adult. I'm sure there are more resource out there than this, so please make pull requests as you see fit!



Here are resources that cover many personal finance topics.


CNN Money: Money Essentials

madFIentist: The Science of Financial Independence

Mr. Money Mustache

The Billfold

NerdWallet Blog

The Simple Dollar

eHow Personal Finance

Practical Money Skills

Money Under 30

Society of Grownups Blog

The Financial Diet

Personal Finance Reddit


The Complete Idiot's Guide to Personal Finance inYour 20s & 30s by Sarah Fisher

Why Didn't They Teach Me This in School? by Cary Siegel

Financially Fearless: The LearnVest Program for Taking Control of Your Money by Alexa von Tobel

Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance In Your Twenties and Thirties by Beth Kobliner

I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated


Nerd Wallet

Society of Grownups



Annual Credit Report

Credit Karma



Be Financially Savvy Collection on Product Hunt


Financial Independence Podcast

Bigger Pockets

Money for the Rest of Us

Money Mastermind

You Need A Budget

Stacking Benjamins

Listen Money Matters!

The Dave Ramsey Show

Money Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for a Richer Life

Rich Dad Radio Show

The Truth About Money

Wealthsteading Podcast

Youtube Channels

Young Adult Finances

Brittney Castro


MoneyTalks News

eHow Finance

Paying Off Debt

Whether it's student loan or credit card debt, debt is a sore subject for many of us. Here are some books, services, and articles that focus on paying off debt, budgeting and saving money.

The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke by Suze Orman

Walden on Wheels: On The Open Road from Debt to Freedom by Ken Ilgunas

Debt-Proof Living: How to Get Out of Debt & Stay That Way by Mary Hunt

How to Manage Your Money When You Don't Have Any by Erik Wecks

Budgeting and Saving

Prism Money

You Need a Budget



Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA

IRA Basics

What is a 401k?


Investing in pretty intimidating to me, but there are a lot of ways for us to turn to take some of our savings and potentially turn it into more money. Here are a few books, blogs and services focused on investing.





Personal Capital Investment Checkup

The Four Pillars to Investing by William J. Bernstein

The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing by Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer, and Michael LeBoeuf

Generation Earn: The Young Professional's Guide to Spending, Investing, and Giving Back by Kimberly Palmer

Millennial Money: How Young Investors Can Build a Fortune by Patrick O'Shaughnessy

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham and Jason Zweig

A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing

Boglehead wiki

jlcollinsnh: The Simple Plan to Wealth


I am in no position to give advice on personal finance, but below are written pieces that do!

Personal Finance 101 for Computer Science Graduates by Karan Goel

Money for Millenials by Haley Smith

A Post Where I Openly Talk About Money by Lina