Introduction to Data Science (Part 1)

This repository contains the materials for the first part of the Introduction to Data Science course offered by the University of Rosario in June, 2018. This portion of the course covers an introduction to the foundations of data science, text analysis, working with social media data and some unsupervised models. Most sections contain a theoretical overview of the topic and coding examples in R.

Logistical information about the course can be found here:

Much of this course is a combination of courses I have helped teach in the past; all of the materials here are free for anyone to use. I want to particularly thank Pablo Barbera, Ken Benoit, and Matt Salganik for sharing their course materials or making them publicly avaliable.

Instructor: Kevin Munger

1. Introduction to Data Science


Introduction (slides)

2. Introduction to R

Intro to R 1

Intro to R 2

Intro to R 3

3. Introduction to Using Text as Data

Intro to Text as Data (slides)

Introduction to Using Text as Data (R)

Text as Data 1 (R)

Text as Data 2 (R)

Text as Data 3 (R)

Text as Data 4 (R)

4. Unsupervised Models

Unsupervised Models (slides)

Unsupervised Models of Text (R)

5. Text as Data Applications

Dickens Austen PCA example (R)

6. Social Network Analysis

Social Network Analysis (slides)

Social Network Analysis 1 (R)

Social Network Analysis 2 (R)

7. Web Data -- Scraping and APIs

Web Data 1 (slides)

Scraping Web Data (R)

Using_Apis (R)

8. Web Data -- Twitter

Web Data 2 (slides)

Social Media Data (R)

Partial Exam