
v2 of my country dragging app, using Brunch

Primary LanguageJavaScript

brunchmap (yomap v2)


This is v2 of yomap v1 that uses brunch instead of yeoman.

Tech: es6, bootstrap 4, some lodash, and google maps. KISS. No more backbone/coffeescript.

Brunch + Babel/ES6

This is a modern JS skeleton for Brunch.


Clone this repo manually or use brunch new dir -s es6

Getting started

  • Install (if you don't have them):
    • Node.js: brew install node on OS X
    • Brunch: npm install -g brunch
    • Brunch plugins and app dependencies: npm install
  • Run:
    • npm start — watches the project with continuous rebuild. This will also launch HTTP server with pushState.
    • npm run build — builds minified project for production
  • Learn:
    • public/ dir is fully auto-generated and served by HTTP server. Write your code in app/ dir.
    • Place static files you want to be copied from app/assets/ to public/.
    • Brunch site, Getting started guide


To use proposed JS features not included into ES6, do this:

  • npm install --save-dev babel-preset-stage-0
  • in brunch-config.js, add the preset: presets: ['latest', 'stage-0']