
Docker Compose builds Jenkins , Sonar Quebe and Nexus Containers , Fronted by Ngnix

Docker based Continuous Integration Containers


  • Docker (for Mac OSX / Windows / Docker)
  • Docker Compose
  • Clone the repository


  • To Start containers in the background

    $ docker-compose up -d

  • Stoping all containers

    $ docker-compose down

The result of the compose is multi-fold

"Unlock Jenkins" - Initial Access

Shell access into Jenkins Container

$docker exec -it jenkins /bin/bash

$cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Copy and Paste the Value into Unlock Screen in Jenkins Web Console

To Start Individual Application Containers


docker run --name jenkins -p 10001:8080 -p 50000:50000 -d jenkins-jdk8 --prefix=/jenkins/


docker run -d --name nexus-db sonatype/nexus /bin/true docker run -e "CONTEXT_PATH=/nexus" -d -p 10002:8081 --name nexus --volumes-from nexus-db sonatype/nexus

Sonarqube (with Postgres DB):

docker run -d --name postgres-volume postgres /bin/true docker run -d -e "SONARQUBE_WEB_CONTEXT=/sonar" --name sonarqube -p 10003:9000 -p 9092:9092 sonarqube "-Dsonar.web.context=/sonar" docker run -d --name postgres --volumes-from postgres-volume -e "POSTGRES_USER=sonar" -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=sonar" --net container:sonarqube postgres

Nginx based Proxy:

docker run --name proxy --link jenkins --link nexus --link sonarqube -d -p 8080:80 -d proxy