

Primary LanguagePython

Django micro setup

What is this repository for?

This is a sample template to use when scaffolding a django project to be used as a microservice.

It disables a lot of the default settings provided by django by default and provides multiple settings to choose between


The bare minimum dependency to get the app to production is what is introduced. to install, run pip install -r requirements/local.txt

$ mkdir project_location
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/Scripts/activate # on linux/mac venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt
$ django-admin startproject --template=https://github.com/gbozee/django-micro/archive/master.zip --name=Dockerfile  <project_name>

Database configuration

The project makes use of environment variables which is a good way to switch configuration at runtime. The following are the variable supported

DATABASE_URL: a url connection string of the database

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: settings module to load the django app in default is <project_name>.settings.local

Running Tests

To run tests, python manage.py test <project_name>

Preparing for deployments

There is a dockerfile created by default to help deploy the app as a docker-container. To build the docker container run the following command docker build -t=<container_name> .