
Convert Ulysses Themes to GtkSourceView compatible styles

Primary LanguageRaku


Ulysses2SourceView is a script for converting Ulysses Themes to GtkSourceView compatible styles.

If you're writing in Markdown, I highly recommend Ulysses if you're using a Mac or iPad. It's my favorite Markdown editor.

The styles should hopefully be compatible with GtkSourceView3 and GtkSourceView4.

A sample of converting Dracula, but they already have a gEdit style.

Requirements (for now)

Don't look at the source code... or if you do have forgiveness.

So I should probably use an XML parser, and a more widely used language... I'll probably switch to Python of Vala... For now...

I thought it'd be fast to just parse the theme with Regex, but I was wrong... but it works... for the most part...

Converting the Theme

First, extract the Theme.xml from the Ulysses theme package. Then run ./ulysses2sourceview Theme.xml Output.xml. Add the Theme in gEdit.

  ./ulysses2sourceview [--dark] <input-file> <output-file>
    <input-file>     a Ulysses theme to convert
    <output-file>    name of location to write output to
    --dark           Convert dark mode instead of light

Known Issues

There's some magic numbers and strings that I have no idea what they do... so we just did stuff to them until themes looked okayish. If you want the theme to work well, I highly recommend Ulysses.