
Perl 6 wrapper around Food2Fork API

Primary LanguagePerl 6

WebService Food2Fork

Food2Fork is a collection of recipes from difference sources. This is a Perl 6 wrapper around their API


panda install git://github.com/kmwallio/p6-WebService-Food2Fork.git


Creating a link

use WebService::Food2Fork;

my $yum = Food2Fork.new(:key<API Key>);


my $food = $yum.search('bbq chicken');

$food looks something like:

  count   => 30.Int,
  recipes => [
      f2f_url       => "http://food2fork.com/view/41470".Str,
      image_url     => "http://static.food2fork.com/BBQChickenPizzawithCauliflowerCrust5004699695624ce.jpg".Str,
      publisher     => "Closet Cooking".Str,
      publisher_url => "http://closetcooking.com".Str,
      recipe_id     => "41470".Str,
      social_rank   => 99.9999999999994.Rat,
      source_url    => "http://www.closetcooking.com/2013/02/cauliflower-pizza-crust-with-bbq.html".Str,
      title         => "Cauliflower Pizza Crust (with BBQ Chicken Pizza)".Str,

Caching Results

Using the free tier? You can use a cache with expiration. Use :memory: as the database to have a temporary database.

By default, searches are cached for 15 minutes. Recipes are cached for 24 hours. You can change this. There currently isn't an option not to cache.

use WebService::Food2Fork;

my $yum = Food2Fork.new(
              :key<API Key>,      # Required
              :cache<:memory:>,   # Optional
              :cache_search<15>,  # 15 minutes
              :cache_recipe<1440> # 1 day

We'll attempt to use tables f2f_search and f2f_recipe or we'll die trying...
