This library is a layer on top of Friendly, so you must learn that first. But it is very easy to learn.
Friendly.WPFStandardControls defines the following classes.
They can operate WPF control easily from a separate process.
- WPFButtonBase
- WPFComboBox
- WPFListBox
- WPFListView
- WPFMenuBase
- WPFMenuItem
- WPFProgressBar
- WPFRichTextBox
- WPFSelector
- WPFSlider
- WPFTabControl
- WPFTextBox
- WPFTextBlock
- WPFToggleButton
- WPFTreeView
- WPFTreeViewItem
- WPFCalendar
- WPFDatePicker
- WPFDataGrid
var process = Process.GetProcessesByName("WPFTarget")[0];
using (var app = new WindowsAppFriend(process))
dynamic main = app.Type(typeof(Application)).Current.MainWindow;
var grid = new WPFDataGrid(main._grid);
grid.EmulateChangeCellText(0, 0, "abc");
grid.EmulateChangeCellComboSelect(0, 1, 2);
grid.EmulateCellCheck(0, 2, true);
//sample : identify the elements.
var process = Process.GetProcessesByName("WPFTarget")[0];
using (var app = new WindowsAppFriend(process))
AppVar main = _app.Type<Application>().Current.MainWindow;
var logicalTree = main.LogicalTree();
var textBox = new WPFTextBox(logicalTree.ByBinding("Memo").ByType<TextBox>().Single());
var textBlock = new WPFTextBlock(logicalTree.ByBinding("Memo").ByType<TextBlock>().Single());
var button = new WPFButtonBase(logicalTree.ByBinding("CommandOK").Single());
var listBox = new WPFListBox(logicalTree.ByBinding("Persons").Single());
Download from NuGet.
============================ For other GUI types, use the following libraries:
For Win32. -
For WinForms. -
For getting the target window.
If you use PinInterface, you map control simple.