Firebase for Windows (for example WPF) It will support Auth, Database and Storage.
for Japanese: Qiitaに説明記事をあげています
Go to and make Firebase account and project.
Make HTML file with following code:
<!DOCTYPE html/>
<script src=""></script>
var variables = [];
Next, upload the HTML file to remote for example your HP spaces or localhost.
Next, go Firebase console and [Authentication] -> [Sign-in Method] -> [OAuth Redirect Domains] and add the domain of dummy HTML file.
You must put one or two exe file(s) on same path of your application.
- PhantomJS - "phantomjs.exe"
- Selenium Google Chrome Driver - "chromedriver.exe" if you use Twitter, Facebook and GitHub authentications.
Put those file to bin\Debug directory.
FirebaseApp.InitializeApp(new FirebaseAppOptions
ApiKey = "<your key>",
AuthDomain = "<your domain>",
DatabaseUrl = "<your url>",
StorageBucket = "<your bucket>",
MessagingSenderId = "<your id>",
FirebaseHtmlUrl = "<your dummy HTML url>",
// MainWindow.xaml.cs
this.Closed += (sender, e) => FirebaseApp.Default.Dispose();
Sample codes are here. Let's enjoy!
- WPFからFirebaseを利用
- Auth(Email-Password・Twitter・Facebook・GitHub・匿名認証、サインアウト、アカウントのリンク、プロフィール変更など)
- Database(データのセット、プッシュ、取得(文字列、数値、浮動小数点数、任意のオブジェクトに対応)、Queryを使った簡単な操作など)
- Storage(文字列・バイナリデータのアップロード、ダウンロードURL取得など)
- Databaseのトランザクション(後回し)
- StorageのMetaDataとか
- Database、Storageのon、offなど、各種イベントの処理
- その他細かいところ