Uploading automation performance testing framework built using Element, Flood.io using Page Object Model in TypeScript.

This project repository is for the article published on Medium platform.


In this project repository, we are designing a Web Automation performance framework with Element, Flood.io using Page Object Model in TypeScript.

For details, you can have a look at my above published article. Let me know if this was helpful. If you ever need my help, you can contact me through my LinkedIn Profile.

How to run the script in Flood.io cloud

1. Login to Flooed.io
2. Click on Streams >> Create Stream
3. Enter the Test name
4. Script Upload the script only the below files
	1. test-steps.ts
	2. tsconfig.json
	3. package.json
	4. users.csv

5. Click Configure Launch
6. Select Infrastructure Type as Demand
7. Select Regions to run Example EU-Central(franckfurt)
8. Users per region- Enter How many Concurrent users needs to be run
9. Duration Default keep 15 minutes
10. Click Launch Test
