
A program which allows you to take the title of VLC for .mp3 files and save it as a .txt file so you can use it for example on OBS.

alt text


Download the .exe file and run it. It's not a virus. Decompile it if you want.

Interval How fast the program should check for changes in the VLC header

File path Where the program should save the output file (must contain the .txt extension too)

Reset file Write NULL inside the file


  • .NET 4.5
  • Windows Vista++
  • VLC
  • Brain


This is protected under the IDGAF 2.0

IDGAF version 2 IDGAF is a simple licence which stands for I Dont Give A Fuck

  1. IDGAF (I Don't Give A Fuck) what you do with my code*.
  2. If you claim my code as your own, you will probably just be embarrassing yourself.
  • As long as you don't use my code to make nuclear weapons.