
HeySloth is an open source project for collecting, managing and building a wall of testimonials so that you can showcase why your users love your product 💜.

Please notice that you will need to self host it

Some of the features that HeySloth offers include:

  • Link a Twitter account to view timeline
  • Search Tweet by specific URL
  • Create a custom form that you can send to your users to collect their testimonial
  • API for fetching metadata of collected testimonials
  • Embeddable iframe of your collected testimonials
  • Toggle testimonials individually to showcase or not
  • Admin dashboard

Deploying app for self hosting

For self hosting the app it's recommended to use Heroku for simplicity. A more detailed guide for deploying a Ruby on Rails app can be found here.

In summary you will need to:

  • Install the Heroku CLI and login
  • run $ heroku create
  • run $ git push heroku main
  • run $ heroku run rake db:migrate

After this you should have a self hosted instance of HeySloth!


Improvements are always welcome, you can help by:

  • Fixing bugs
  • Adding new features
  • Improving features
  • Improve documentation
  • Add more tests

How to initiate instance of HeySloth locally

To run a local instance of HeySloth it's recommended to build & run it using a Docker container. For this make sure the Docker daemon is running and simply run:

$ docker-compose up

This will install all required dependencies for the project to run. Then you can simply visit localhost:3000 and you should have a local instance of HeySloth running.

To run tests simply run in the command line :

$ rspec