DEPRECATED: Development continues in
- 3
v0.14.0-upgrade job is not cleaned up on CR removal
#205 opened by AceHack - 4
Knative eventing operator overwriting custom config
#196 opened by AceHack - 4
v0.14.0-upgrade job fails
#194 opened by AceHack - 2
- 3
Add support for HA control plane
#156 opened by aliok - 10
Broker selection fields on install
#175 opened by matzew - 5
Operator writes error logs constantly when the obsolote CRD doesn't exist in the cluster
#112 opened by aliok - 2
`KnativeEventing` api files live in wrong directory
#128 opened by aliok - 2
- 2
Operations: Please allow setting nodeSelector, tolerations, and affinity on all Pods
#170 opened by AceHack - 2
Security: Please set pod Security Context on all Pods
#168 opened by AceHack - 1
mutatingwebhookconfiguration legacysinkbindings is removed, but it caused upgrade error
#129 opened by houshengbo - 2
No finalizers set to block deletion of the CR until everything in the manifest is deleted
#171 opened by aliok - 2
- 9
Improve the container image override mechanism
#148 opened by aliok - 2
Unable to apply MF transforms properly
#157 opened by aliok - 11
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- 1
- 6
I don't think the short name `ke` should be set
#38 opened by n3wscott - 4
Tooling to generate OLM metadata
#70 opened by aliok - 0
sources-controller is available in 0.12, but it is removed by the reconcile loop
#116 opened by houshengbo - 1
Hide obsolete CRD in OLM
#120 opened by aliok - 0
- 1
e2e test script problems when running locally
#107 opened by aliok - 2
Feature to be implemented: how to upgrade the eventing operator(applicable to serving operator as well)
#55 opened by houshengbo - 1
CRD options for image registry and namespace
#83 opened by kramvan1 - 1
Support reading KubeConfig from KUBECONFIG env var
#99 opened by aliok - 0
Add the upgrade tests
#94 opened by houshengbo - 5
Removal of sources-controller after 0.12.0
#90 opened by houshengbo - 13
Add the support to install event sources
#92 opened by houshengbo - 21
Inconsistent CRD
#18 opened by matzew - 5
Migrate source apis to new api group
#91 opened by aliok - 0
Add the upgrade guidance on how to upgrade old versions like 0.10, 0.11 to 0.12
#81 opened by houshengbo - 0
- 3
- 0
If we delete the old cr with the propagation policy "orphan", and IMMEDIATELY create the new CR, we will run into the following issue.
#76 opened by houshengbo - 0
Have OLM metadata in source repo for reference
#68 opened by aliok - 1
Will the native reconciler in knative/eventing be replaced with knative/eventing-operator?
#47 opened by dashwang - 1
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- 0
Eventing operator needs similar prow job as opened in
#15 opened by houshengbo - 0