- 3
- 1
- 2
Complete the implementation of Knative Certificates
#875 opened by gabo1208 - 0
Drop old secret reconcilers (the ones from control-protocol) from knative/networking
#893 opened by ReToCode - 2
Clean up old secret keys
#864 opened by nak3 - 3
- 1
Bump go-version to v1.21
#859 opened by dprotaso - 1
Prober should ensure that DNS works as expected
#575 opened by nak3 - 12
- 2
Add ability to create namespace certificates, routing certificates and control certificates.
#857 opened by ReToCode - 8
- 4
Minor formatting issues
#628 opened by carlisia - 2
readme,a url not found
#839 opened by xiangpingjiang - 0
- 2
Drop use of
#800 opened by Gekko0114 - 0
Add a flag to control future trust support
#777 opened by davidhadas - 7
- 2
Visibility test (proxy image) fails with KinD 0.12.0 + k8s 1.23.x due to DNS issue
#660 opened by nak3 - 5
Engage with Ingress v2 on security controls
#359 opened by evankanderson - 5
- 1
Add Retry Checker for conformance test's request?
#535 opened by nak3 - 5
config key `httpProtocol` (`http-protocol`) should be `httpOption` (`http-option`)?
#524 opened by nak3 - 0
[HTTP Option support] Add E2E test for the case of setting HTTPOption per ksvc
#497 opened by ZhiminXiang - 6
- 5
- 2
Knative istio client ip is not working
#499 opened by cinaradem - 4
- 3
- 7
- 1
- 0
Avoid the Go iterator capture issue
#466 opened by nak3 - 1
net-* should have consistent naming
#448 opened by dprotaso - 7
Document/Test KIngress use of secrets
#421 opened by dprotaso - 2
HTTP Authorization.
#406 opened by senthilnathan - 1
Clean up DeprecatedDefaultIngressClassKey
#378 opened by nak3 - 2
[HTTP Option support] Configure HTTP Option in Route controller from config-network ConfigMap
#299 opened by ZhiminXiang - 2
- 4
Establish cherry-pick policy for net-* CRDs
#238 opened by tcnghia - 1
Autotls issues with venafi
#351 opened by itsmurugappan - 6
Cleanup test flags naming
#214 opened by tcnghia - 6
- 3
- 1
Rename ServingFlags to NetworkingFlags
#211 opened by tcnghia - 3
- 0
Test downstream integrations
#208 opened by mattmoor - 0
Drop deprecated generation field
#195 opened by dprotaso - 5
- 1
Add a negative test for ingress.class handling
#142 opened by mattmoor - 2
- 2
Retry Get requests
#147 opened by mattmoor