
Repository for my st terminal patch for use with Void Linux's xbps-src package workflow

Primary LanguageShell

st-knaveightt-void (st-0.9)

Patch used to modify the st terminal used for my workstations. This patch is provided against st-0.9 for use with xbps-src to automate patching and installation in void linux.


Included in this repo is a patch file which represents a collection of patches to the original st source. The following are usage instructions for incorporating this patch using Void Linux's xbps-src build workflow, however the final patch can be used any way you would normally patch st.

  • Copy the patch file to a patches directory in void-packages/srcpkgs/st
  • Run xbps-src pkg st to build the xbps package
  • Install the package from the void-packages directory using sudo xbps-install --force --repository=hostdir/binpkgs/ st
  • Recommendation is to lock the st package to the local repo so changes from the default repositories don't overwrite the package. Do this using xbps-pkgdb -m repolock st

Patch List

List of included patches are as follows.

Patch Name Source URL
glyph wide support https://st.suckless.org/patches/glyph_wide_support/st-glyph-wide-support-20220411-ef05519.diff
xresources https://st.suckless.org/patches/xresources/st-xresources-20200604-9ba7ecf.diff
defaultfontsize https://st.suckless.org/patches/defaultfontsize/st-defaultfontsize-20210225-4ef0cbd.diff
anysize https://st.suckless.org/patches/anysize/st-anysize-20220718-baa9357.diff
font2 https://st.suckless.org/patches/font2/st-font2-0.8.5.diff
scrollback https://st.suckless.org/patches/scrollback/

Patch Application and Modifications

Below is a breakdown of how I patched my instance of st. I've also included a script called create_patch_dir.sh that automatically extracts a version of the st source so that I can patch things manually very quickly.

  • I typically execute ./xbps-src clean prior to doing any manual patching
  • xbps-src extract st is how I get the latest source instead of downloading from suckless's website
  • Patches were downloaded to a common directory (see Patch List section above)
  • Patches were applied in this order using patch -Np1 -i <input_patch_name> in the patched source directory:
    • glyph wide support
    • font2:
      • changed the font and font2 pointers in the config.def.h file to desired font name
      • See Dependencies for the fonts used
    • Xresources
      • updated defaultfg, defaultbg, defaultcs, defaultrcs in config.def.h to map to the correct &colorname array value / Xresources element
    • defaultfontsize
    • anysize
      • glyph wide support patch did not play nice with this patch, had to manually fix the rejects
    • scrollback
      • note, just applied the basic patch
  • A couple final manual tweaks to the main config file include
    • Updating termname = xterm-256color
    • Changed zoom keys to be Ctrl+Shift+H/L/O for zoom out/in/reset
    • Changed scroll keys to be Shift+J/K for scroll down/up
  • A final overall patch was created using diff -Np1 <original_source_dir> <patched_source_dir> > <diff_file_Name>
  • The final overall patch is what is included in this repo. Follow the Usage section for installation instructions


Since modifications to the source in my patch have a couple of assumptions, here are the things you must make sure are present in your system (unless they are edited out of my patch):

  • Font: Inconsolata Nerd Font (used as main font)
  • Font: Inconsolata for Powerline (used in font2 as a backup)
  • Font: Hack Nerd Font (used in font2 as a backup)