
Password spraying using AWS Lambda for IP rotation

Primary LanguagePython



Easily launch a password spray using AWS Lambda across multiple regions, rotating IP addresses with each request.

Brought to you by:

Black Hills Information Security


  • Fully supports all AWS Lambda Regions
  • Multi-threaded processing
  • Generates user/password pairs
  • Easily add new plugins
  • Automatically creates execution role and lambdas

Basic Usage

usage: credking.py [-h] --plugin PLUGIN [--threads THREADS] --userfile USERFILE --passwordfile PASSWORDFILE --access_key ACCESS_KEY --secret_access_key SECRET_ACCESS_KEY [--useragentfile USERAGENTFILE]

  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  --plugin PLUGIN                       spraying plugin
  --threads THREADS                     thread count (default: 1)
  --userfile USERFILE                   username file
  --passwordfile PASSWORDFILE           password file
  --access_key ACCESS_KEY               aws access key
  --secret_access_key SECRET_ACCESS_KEY aws secret access key
  --useragentfile                       useragent file

Plugin Usage


The Gmail plugin does not require any additional arguments.


The Okta plugin adds a new required argument called oktadomain.

usage: credking.py <usual arugments> --oktadomain org.okta.com

Microsoft Online

The Microsoft (microsoft) plugin can validate credentials against the live.com portal.

This plugin does not require any additional arguments.

Office 365

The Office 365 (office365) validates credentials for Office 365 accounts, as well as determine the type of 2FA in place (if any). Note that even though a successful login occured, the 2FA request is not actually sent to the account as the 2FA request is loaded through javascript (which the requests library does not execute).

This plugin does not require any additional arguments.


Ubuntu 16.04

You can install and run automatically using Python 3 with the following command:

$ git clone https://github.com/ustayready/CredKing
$ cd CredKing
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
~/CredKing$ python3 credking.py

Note that Python 3 is required.

Bug reports, feature requests and patches are welcome.


You can create new plugins by:

$ cd plugins
$ mkdir newplugin
$ cd newplugin
$ touch __init__.py
$ touch newplugin.py

Next, make sure to include the lambda handler function in your newplugin.py:

def lambda_handler(event, context):
	return your_function(event['username'], event['password'])

CredKing generates a deployment zip file which the lambdas receive when they are created. Because of this, CredKing requires the pre-reqs to be installed directly into the newplugin folder. You can accomplish this by:

$ pip install <pre-req> -t .

Plugin specific arguments

Plugin specific arguments can be specified with no modifications to credking.py, simply pass them as --argumentname value

If your plugin requirements plugin-specific arguments, you can implement a validate function in the __init__.py file of your plugin directory that will be passed an dictionary of all optional arguments.

Below is an example of plugin arugment validation used by the okta plugin's __init__.py.

def validate(args):
    if 'oktadomain' in args.keys():
        return True,None
        error = "Missing oktadomain argument, specify as --oktadomain org.okta.com"
        return False,error

The okta.py lambda_handler function then accesses the oktadomain argument as shown below.

def lambda_handler(event, context):
	domain = event['args']['oktadomain']
	return okta_authenticate(domain, event['username'], event['password'], event['useragent'])

That's it, enjoy!