
Anomaly repo for KUISC Lab session (CTF)

KUISC Anomaly Lab

Puzzles within ncdc-2018-anomalies-master and rabbit_hole were created by the Iowa State University Cyber Defense team and Argonne National Labs, respectively

Linux or equivalent command terminal is highly recommended to work on these

Suggested Order in increasing difficulty:

  1. ncdc-2018-anomalies-master/crypto-maze
  2. unknown
  3. ncdc-2018-anomalies-master/sheep2
  4. rabbit_hole
  5. ncdc-2018-anomalies-master/reverse-engineering-I
  6. ncdc-2018-anomalies-master/right-there
  7. ncdc-2018-anomalies-master/reverse-engineering-II

Note: Flags in the ncdc-2018-anomalies-master are of the format cdc{flag text}

For reverse engineering, the solution is the password that allows you to print success