
Python program to fetch cricket score and display as windows notification

Primary LanguagePython


Python program to fetch cricket score and display as windows notification


This is initial version of the program to fetch the match lists and the score of the selected match. It will notify scores every 30 seconds as windows notification.


  1. win10toast
  2. requests

How to install

  1. Clone this repository git clone git@github.com:knayan1/PyCricket.git
  2. Create virtual environment. You can skip this if don't want to work in virtual environment. mkvirtualenv cricket
  3. Install required modules pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Execute script python cricket_score.py


Screenshot of the program

Things ahead

  1. Make it generic to work on any platform
  2. Make API call directly to the espn or cricinfo.


Feel Free to fork and extend