
Mod 3 Final Solo project - 1 week

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Urban Skygazer

A Turing School Mod 3 Solo Project

Project Overview

80% of the world is now living under a light polluted sky. Urban Skygazer is an application that brings the extraordinary wonders of space to users. Utilizing NASA's Astronomy Photo of the Day API, users are able to explore incredile space photos and details and save images.

This was a final project for Module 3 at the Turing School of Software and Design to be completed in one week. The goals of this project included demonstrating fundamental concepts of React, including architecting a React application from scratch and utitilizing React Router for path transitions and displays. As a personal stretch goal, I also chose to implement React Hooks for the first time on this project. Unit and integration testing was also implemented for each component utilizing the Jest testing suite.

  • Lighthouse Accessibility Score: 100% browser view & mobile view

Tech Used

  • React
  • Hooks
  • React Router
  • Jest
  • Travis CI
  • Sass


Download Instructions

  • Clone the repo - git@github.com:kncaputo/urban-stargazer.git
  • Install NPM packages - npm install
  • Start the application - npm start

To view the test suite:

  • Run npm test in your terminal


In Action

Browser View

Mobile View

Project Wins

  • Using React Hooks for the first time and doing so successfully
  • Making the app fully responsive and getting a lighthouse accessability score of 100%
  • Using PropTypes for the first time



Kara Caputo - Developer