
project created while watching a tutorial

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What's this?

This is a demo project created while following the Build A Restful Api With Node.js Express & MongoDB.

I did this tutorial as a followup after dotnet-core-mvc-rest-api to compare two technologies.

NPM Packages

  • express - web server
  • nodemon - watches for source changes & restarts node app
  • mongoose - client for MongoDB
  • body-parser - parses request JSON body into object

Express Notes

Messages in Express are processed via a simple pipeline consisting of

  • middleware = functions which are called first and which can modify request
  • route handlers = functions registered to be called for a specific route and request type

Express Middleware

Middleware is registered via add method of the Express. In this example we use two middlewares:

  • bodyParser - converts requst body (JSON) into JavaScript objects
  • router - calls route handlers

Express router

Route handler functions are registered via a method named after the corresponds HTTP request type:

  • post = POST request handler
  • get = GET request handler
  • delete = DELETE request handler
  • etc...

While registering a handler we specify the URL to which the handler will respond. The URL string can contain parameter placeholders which will get passed to the requst handler function.

Sending response

Response is sent to client via resp object which is passed to the handler function as an argument.

Here's an example showing how to respond with HTTP status 200 and a JSON response type:



Mongoos npm package is used to access the MongoDB database.

Querying is done via a model object of type Schema. In model we describe the structure of the record stored in the DB, while the Schema methods we can use to query the database. Here are a few examples:

  • save - adds record to the database
  • deleteOne - deletes one record from the database
  • find - finds a record in the DB