
Implements cache LRU cleanup on various databases (e.g. MongoDB)

Primary LanguagePython

CacheLRUd: implements cache LRU cleanup on various databases (e.g. MongoDB)
Version: 0.57
Author: Dmitry Koterov, dkLab (C)
GitHub: http://github.com/DmitryKoterov/
License: GPL2


Sometimes (not always, but in many projects) it's quite handy to use some
database (e.g. MongoDB) instead of plain-old memcached. This is probably
your case if your cache is:

a) relatively small (hundreds of GBs in one replica set, no more);
b) contains many long-living keys (live for days);
c) strongly tagged, and tags cleanup robustness is really important;
d) needs to be replicated through multiple machines or datacenters;
e) possibly is sharded (where MongoDB is very good at).

So, probably in these cases it would be good to use MongoDB (or another
database) as a caching engine. MongoDB is very fast (almost as fast as
memcached on reads), it supports replication with auto-failover, could
be sharded etc. But it does not implement an LRU cleaning algorithm, and
you cannot, of course, update a "last hit" field in your collection on
each cache read hit synchronously (especially if MongoDB master is in
another datacenter). So there is no easy way to keep the database size

CacheLRUd tries to solve this problem: it looks after your database size
and removes keys which were not READ for too long.

But how CacheLRUd knows which keys were READ recently? Your caching layer
should notify the daemon on which keys were read recently by sending UDP
packets to it. UDP is asynchronous and does not block your application, so
you may even send an UDP packet per each cache hit pack, even to another
datacenter (if you do not have millions of page hits per second, of course).
To eliminate single point of failure, install CacheLRUd service on each
MongoDB node and send UDP notifications to alive nodes only.


See binding/ directory for client-side libraries.

In general, to notify CacheLRUd that a cache key "key" has been read recently
in a collection configured as "[collection_name]" in /etc/cachelrud.conf,
just send an UDP packet to the daemon's port (defaults to 43521):


If you register many hits, you may group them and send in a single UDP
message separated by newline characters (to save bandwidth):



## Install the service on EACH MongoDB NODE:
cd /opt
git clone git@github.com:DmitryKoterov/cachelrud.git
ln -s /opt/cachelrud/bin/cachelrud.init /etc/init.d/cachelrud

## Configure:
cp /opt/cachelrud/cachelrud.conf /etc/cachelrud.conf  # and then edit

## For RHEL (RedHat, CentOS):
chkconfig --add cachelrud
chkconfig cachelrud on

## ...or for Debian/Ubuntu:
update-rc.d cachelrud defaults


CacheLRUd is written in Python. To make it support a new database,
you may create a file lib/cachelrud/storage/your_database_name.py
(use mongodb.py for inspiration).

You may also add support for more frameworks/languages, please put
client-side libraries to binding/ directory.


Suppose we have a replica set with 3 machines: A, B and C. Assume
A is the master (primary) node currently. Run CacheLRUd daemon on
all this nodes for fail-tolerance. Then you have 2 different ways
to configure /etc/cachelrud.conf:

1. If you want only one CacheLRUd daemon to be a reaper (a process
   who deletes outdated LRU keys), set up in cachelrud.conf at A:

   dsn = "mongodb://user:password@localhost/"

   and send UDP messages to the master A node only (it's typically
   easy to detect automatically who is primary by running something
   like client.getConnections() at the client side and check
   connection_type field). If remastering happens and A becomes
   a secondary (and e.g. B is a new master), CacheLRUd on B will
   activate reaping, and your application will also need to send UDP
   messages to the new master B.

2. If one reaper is not enough (you have too high keys creation
   rate, so you want to reap in parallel), specify replicaSet in
   your cachelrud.conf:

   dsn = "mongodb://user:password@localhost/?replicaSet=YOUR_RS"

   After that you may send UDP messages to ANY of CacheLRUd daemons:
   they will accept them and, at the same time, perform reaping
   in parallel.