
This guide will help you set up a local Magento environment for the developer courses and trainings, if you don't have one already.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


The goal is to have a local environment with:

  • A web server (Apache) with PHP version 7.2 or above
  • A MySQL (MariaDB) database server
  • Magento Open Source Code
  • Magento Open Source Sample Data

Step-by-step installation guide

Clone this repo to your working directory.

Create a folder called instances within that directory.



Copy magento2-dk/debian_config/composer/auth.json.sample to magento2-dk/debian_config/composer/auth.json and enter your public (username) and private (password) access keys.


     "http-basic": {
         "repo.magento.com": {
             "username": "<public_key>",
             "password": "<private_key>"

Add an entry to your local hosts file to resolve the local magento2.loc domain:


sudo vi /etc/hosts       magento2.loc


Windows host file location is C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Open file as administrator (or use visual studio code editor), add the following line:       magento2.loc
then save the file

Note: If you are using Windows without WSL, you must update magento2-dk/docker-compose_windows.yml to match your installation directory like the following:

- C:\PATH\TO\YOUR\magento\magento2-dk\instances:/var/www/html/shared

Open a terminal in that folder and run the following command:

For Unix/Mac/Windows with WSL

docker-compose up -d

Or, for Windows without WSL

docker-compose -f docker-compose_windows.yml up -d

This step will take a while.

After the docker images are successfully built, run the following command to access the container:


docker exec -ti m23 /bin/bash


winpty docker exec -it m23 //bin/sh

Getting Access to the Magento instance Once inside the container, run the following command to move the Magento directory to a shared folder and exit:

mv /var/www/html/magento2ce /var/www/html/shared/ && exit

You can now access the site:

Using Mutagen

If you are on Mac/Unix or Windows with WSL, you can use Mutagen. Click here for installation instructions.

Execute the following script in the root of your project for instructions on the most common commands.

You can also view the Mutagen documentation.


sh mutagen_session.sh

Windows with WSL

bash mutagen_session.sh

The commands are also listed below.

Create mutagen session

To create a mutagen session you need to use the create command with the path to your working directory on your local machine.


sh mutagen_session.sh create /Users/<YOUR_USER>/<PATH>/<TO>/<YOUR>/magento/magento2-dk/instances/

Windows with WSL

bash mutagen_session.sh create C:\PATH\TO\YOUR\magento\magento2-dev-dk\instances\

After mutagen is started and all files are synchronized, the Magento code will appear in instances folder of your working directory.

To pause a mutagen session, use the pause command.


sh mutagen_session.sh pause

Windows with WSL

bash mutagen_session.sh pause

To resume a mutagen session use the resume command.


sh mutagen_session.sh resume

Windows with WSL

bash mutagen_session.sh resume

To terminate a mutagen session, use the terminate command.


sh mutagen_session.sh terminate

Windows with WSL

bash mutagen_session.sh terminate

To list mutagen sessions, use the list command.


sh mutagen_session.sh list

Windows with WSL

bash mutagen_session.sh list

Setup New Connection to the Database (via the client such as Sequel Pro, MySql Workbench, etc)

After the docker images are successfully built and running you can setup a new connection to the DB. Below we will describe steps for MySql Workbench SQL client (You are able to use any SQL client you wish).

MySql Workbench

Open MySql Workbench client and click to "MySql Connections +" button and you will see the "Setup New Connetcion" window

- Fill "Connection Name" field with any name you want - Example: dockerDB

- "Connection Method" is "Standard (TCP/IP)"

- Hostname is

- Port is 4306

- username is magento

- password is magento

- Default Schema is m2

- Click Ok to save your new connection

Other important information

After the docker images are successfully built and running you can run the following command to go inside of the container:


docker exec -ti <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/bash


winpty docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> //bin/sh



docker exec -ti m23 /bin/bash


winpty docker exec -it m23 //bin/sh

To stop the VM, use the following command:

docker-compose stop

To start the VM, use the following command (note that you will need to start it if you reboot your computer):

docker-compose start

To run the Magento CLI command in a running container:


sh m23_config/bin/console execute ANY_MAGENTO_CLI_COMMAND


bash m23_config/bin/console execute ANY_MAGENTO_CLI_COMMAND

That's it, you have your VM for learning purposes for Magento 2.2 and Magento 2.3.

How to uninstall the VM

Open a terminal in your working directory and run the following command:

docker-compose down

Run the following command you should see something like table below:

docker image ls
REPOSITORY            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE

mike/m23_config       latest              167961367de5        12 days ago         3.39GB

mike/magento_config   latest              d26f7cd51da1        12 days ago         1.74GB

mike/debian_config    latest              bd3e96686fa0        12 days ago         923MB

debian                latest              67e34c1c9477        3 weeks ago         114MB

Now you need copy IMAGE ID and use following command:

docker rmi -f IMAGE ID


docker rmi -f 167961367de5

for every single image from the table