
EQEmu in-game file patcher / mod activator

Primary LanguageC

EQ Nexus

EQ Nexus is an EQEmu custom server file, configuration and patch manager that runs inside of EQ. It allows for streamlined patch updates to servers and custom files per server with one installation of RoF2 EQ rather than 1 installation per server.

EQ Players

To use EQ Nexus, go to the Releases section and download the latest release zip. Extract this in your base RoF2 directory (only RoF2 is supported!) and you're good to go!

Server Operators

To have your server with custom content (or configuration) added, take a look at the server_manifest.json and submit a merge request with your server's metadata. Server files URL should be a .zip file with an optional config.json templated from config_template.json in this repo. Any files in the zip will be used as proxy files when people play on your server (and only then -- they are scoped to a session in your server). Please reach out to temp0 in the EQEmu discord under #project-requiem for help.

Local Development

This is a work in progress. Will be replacing vcpkg packages while finding the best balance of homegrown vs. third party.

  1. Clone the repository with git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Run external/vcpkg/bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
  3. Run external/vcpkg/vcpkg install --triplet x86-windows-static in the project root to install dependencies.
  4. Build the project with VS2022
  5. Create a folder eqnexus in your rof2 folder
  6. HotReload.ps1 has a copy command that copies build output into your rof2 folder, replace the file in the line $coreDllDestination = "$PSScriptRoot\..\everquest_rof2\eqnexus\core.dll" to your rof2 directory and each build will copy files over automatically