
to store pictures of my blog


My personal blog need show some pictures, I try to store the pictures in this repository.

Useful command for me to use

1. Create New Folder Locally

If we create new local folder and want to upload it into remote repository. We should cd into the local folder and type

git init

This will let the local folder prepared to be a github folder. Then connect this folder to the remote folder

git remote add origin <https://gitxxxx.com/xxxxx/xxxxx.git>

The content in the "<>" should be replaced with your own git account link. Then add all files

git add .

add description

git commit -m "<some description here>"

Be careful that that "<>" double quotation marks are needed. Then type

git push -u origin master

When prompted to update the remote repository locally, proceed with the following command

git pull   

Prompt "git pull remote" and so on, continue with the following command

git pull origin master

If history related errors are prompted, continue with the following command

 git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories

Then you can push the local folder by typing

git push origin master 

2. Update Changes

If the repository has been create in the remote and the local folder has push history. You can fetch changes from remote repository.

git pull

add new files to remote repository

git add .
git commmit -m "changes"
git push origin master

This is a simple version of the command.