
A traveling salesman problem solver for a university project.

Graph file format: first line contains n - the number of points on plane next n line contain two integers, the x and y coordinate respecitvely


1 5
14 16
12 11
16 18

Path file format: first line contains the approximate cost of the path next line contains n numbers, the i'th says when was the i'th vertex visited

example (answer to the graph above):

0 3 1 2 

To generate random graph :

gen_graph.py > output_file

for help:

gen_graph.py -h 

Test greedy algorithm :

greedy_solver < in_file > output_file

Test mst heuristic algorithm :

mst_solver < in_file > output_file 

Visualize the output path:

visualize -g graph_file -p tsp_path_file

for help:

visualize -h

Time comparison:

time_cmp amount_of_test_cases test_cases_size