=== Cuisine a la Toile Plugin === Contributors: James Knight, Christina Morden and Nicole Di Carlo License: GPLv2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Website: https://phoenix.sheridanc.on.ca/~ccit3409/ This plugin adds a custom post type, widget and shortcode for food websites. == Description == The custom post type allows users to specify: chef name, chef username, recipe link, recipe, and submission date. There are two shortcodes. One shortcode is a self enclosing timer that allows users to start, pause, and restart the time. In addition, there will be a sound effect of a French chef in which user can choose him to say either "Ooh la la", "Ooo", or "Mmm" when the set time has expired. Users can change the color and font of the timer, as well as the color of the start, pause and restart buttons. The other shortcode is not a self enclosing shortcode. It represent a selection of posts from the custom post type. The user can select if the post is either an appetizer, entree, or dessert. The user can also select which chefusername submitted the custom post type. Additionally the user can select any number of positive posts. =Custom Post Type= Subscriber gallery. If they specify a recipe link, then a button will be shown to allow the user to see the recipe. =Widget= Allows administrator to select number of posts to be displayed: 1-10 posts Allows administrator to select ordering of posts to be displayed: ascending or descending = Shortcodes = Timer - self enclosing This shortcode represents a timer. Supported colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple Parameters - 'time' =>'hh:mm:ss' 'sound' => "oohlala", "mmm", "ooo" - Accessed from http://www.freesfx.co.uk 'color' => Supported colors (see list above) 'font'=> "parsienne", "tangerine", "cookie" (Accessed through Google Fonts) 'colorstartbutton' => Supported colors (see list above) 'colorpausebutton' => Supported colors (see list above) 'colorrestartbutton' => Supported colors (see list above) All the parameters are optional. Cuisine Creations - not self enclosing This shortcode represents a selection of posts from the custom post type. Parameters - 'mealcourse' => Taxonomy slug (eg. "appetizer", "entree", "dessert") 'chefusername' => Custom Field value of "Chef Username" (eg. "ilovetobake", "savoryalways", "frenchfoodlover") 'numposts' => any positive number 'order' => 'ASC' or 'DESC' ('DESC' by default) All the parameters are optional.