What is the project about?

Main goal of the project is to provide a place for storing, processing and providing access to all UAP-related data obtained by automatic stations (like UFODAP). The second purpose is to create a community of researchers and investigators around those data and analyses. We believe that only hard data and it's scientific verification can get us closer of this fascinating and still not well known topic. For now the data of various character (videos, audio, radio frequency spectra et al.) can be uploaded manually using page (work in progress) or API. The API can be used in automatic stations software to upload their observations.

How can I set up the project?

The preferred way of setting up the project is through Docker containers. To do that you need to have Docker and docker-compose installed locally. If you have do the following steps:

  1. Clone the repository locally.
git clone https://github.com/UFODATAcode/UFODATA_Project
  1. Go into the cloned repository directory.
cd UFODATA_Project
  1. Create local copy of docker-compose.override.yaml file and set change port mappings if needed.
cp docker-compose.override.yaml.dist docker-compose.override.yaml
  1. Start application containers in the background by executing the following command.
docker-compose up -d

How can I run tests?

First set up the project. After that you can run the tests using the following command.

docker-compose exec app-test vendor/bin/codecept run api

Where can I find what was changed?

Check out our changelog.

Why did you decide to use XXX or do YYY in that way?

We want to make clear, supported by arguments decisions about the project. It doesn't matter if a decision is about project's architecture, chosen library or way to validate something. All of them will be documented according to the Markdown Any Decision Record standard. You can find our decisions here.