Savant+ - An AI SaaS

Savant+ is a cutting-edge AI SaaS that harnesses the power of multiple AI technologies. It utilizes the OpenAI API for chatbot, code generation, and image generation, as well as the ReplicateAI API for music and video generation. The SaaS offers a free tier for up to 5 generations, and users can upgrade to Savant+ for additional features with the convenience of Stripe payment mode.


Introducing an AI SaaS project that seamlessly integrates Next.js 13, React.js, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, and Stripe. The project incorporates Clerk for authentication, providing more than 10 ways of authentication. Additionally, it includes Crisp Chat for real-time customer service messaging. The backbone of this SaaS is supported by the powerful OpenAI API and Replicate API.


  • Tailwind design, animations, and effects.
  • Full responsiveness and client form validation using react-hook-form.
  • Clerk Authentication for secure user login and server error handling with react-toast.
  • AI-powered tools: Image Generation (OpenAI), Video Generation (Replicate AI), Conversation Generation (OpenAI), and Music Generation (Replicate AI).
  • Stripe monthly subscription for premium features, along with a free tier with API limiting.
  • Crisp chatbot integrated for efficient customer support.

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