LiveVibe - A Live Streaming App

Welcome to Livevibe, where we redefine the live-streaming experience! This project leverages various technologies to provide an immersive and feature-rich platform for live content creators. Whether you're a streamer or a viewer, Livevibe has something for everyone.


Ensure the security of your app and user access by implementing Clerk Authentication, providing a protective layer for your streaming environment. Elevate your content's presentation by uploading eye-catching thumbnails using UploadThing, adding a professional touch to your streams. Powering LiveVibe is NeonDB, backed by PostgreSQL, ensuring efficient and reliable data management for a seamless streaming experience. Join the community of contributors, where your creativity and expertise are welcomed. Start streaming with LiveVibe and make your mark in the world of live content creation. Happy streaming!


  • Stream using RTMP/WHIP using LiveKit
  • Connect OBS with Next.js app by Ingress
  • Authentication by Clerk Authentication
  • Real-Time chat using WebSockets
  • Follow streamers, like the streams, chat with streamers
  • Search functionality on the Home Page
  • Beautiful Design by ShadcnUI
  • PostgreSQL using NeonDB

Live Demo