Spotify Clone

This Spotify Clone uses NextJS 13.4 App Router, ReactJS, TailwindCSS, PostgreSQL, Supabase, and Stripe.


Introducing a project that combines NextJS, ReactJS, and TailwindCSS to create a responsive Spotify-inspired UI, powered by Supabase for backend functionality, including authentication, database management, and seamless integration with Stripe for premium subscriptions and secure payment processing.


  • Users can upload, play, and manage their songs, create playlists, mark songs as favorites, and utilize an advanced player component.
  • Users can securely register and log in with credentials or authenticate via their GitHub account.
  • The application boasts a sleek user interface designed with Tailwind CSS, incorporating animations and transitions, and ensuring full responsiveness across all devices.
  • Users can upload and store files and images using Supabase storage, enhancing multimedia content management.
  • Errors on the server side are effectively managed and communicated to the user using react-toast.
  • The project seamlessly integrates with Stripe, enabling secure payment processing and recurring payment functionality, including the ability to cancel subscriptions.

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