
Map gene identifiers from one type to another in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Map between gene identifiers in GO

Currently supported identifiers

Identifier Setting name Examples
BioGRID Biogrid 116400
Ensembl gene EnsemblGene ENSG00000114209
Ensembl protein EnsemblProtein ENSP00000376506
Entrez gene ID Entrez 11235
gene symbol Symbol PDCD10, CCM3
Protein name Name Programmed cell death protein 10
Refseq mRNA RefseqMRNA NM_007217
Refseq protein RefseqProtein NP_009148
UniProt Accession Accession Q9BUL8

Installation for CLI (optional)

> go get -v github.com/knightjdr/genemap
> cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/knightjdr/genemap
> go install ./...


Generate file for mapping.

The first step in mapping is to download reviewed UniProt entries and approved HGNC entries and create a JSON file containing supported conversion identifiers. Currently this only supports human genes. By default the file will be created in the current directory but a target directory can be passed as a flag/option. The created mapping file will have the creation date in the name formatted like genemap-YYYY-MM-DD.json. This allows you to have your own database for mapping and update it as you see fit.


import "github.com/knightjdr/genemap"

func main() {


The map generation step can be run from the command line

> genemapcreate --folder="/path/to/output/folder/"

Convert identifiers

You can use the mapping file created in the previous step to convert between supported gene identifiers. The Mapper struct is used for setting mapping parameters and will contain the results of the mapping.


import "github.com/knightjdr/genemap"

func main() {
  mapper := genemap.CreateMapper()
  mapper.FromType = "Symbol"
  mapper.ToType = "Accession"

  err := mapper.Convert(ids)
  if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Error converting IDs")


The mapper struct looks like so:

type Mapper struct {
	Converted          map[string]string
	FromType           string
	PossibleConversions map[string][]string
	ToType             string
	Unconverted        []string

Converted will have a one-to-one mapping of identifiers between the requested types and Unconverted will contain a list of identifiers that could not be converted. PossibleConversions will contain all possible mappings that the supplied identifier could be converted to. For example, if you request a mapping to UniProt identifiers, Converted will have a mapping to a reviewed UniProt entry while PossibleConversions will have all possible consistent UniProt entries, whether reviewed or not. When converting to UniProt accession or ID, the Converted map will always map to the reviewed entry. Similarly, when converting to gene Symbol, the entry will always map to the official gene symbol. When mapping to other conversion types, the Converted map will simply contain one of the possible identifiers it can be converted to if there are multiple.


ID conversion can be done from the command line. It requires a mapping file (.json format) and a text file with IDs to convert (one entry per line). It will output a text file with the converted identifiers. The output file name will be called conversion.txt if one is not supplied.

> genemapconvert --fromType="Symbol" --toType="Accession" --idFile="ids.txt" --mapFile="genemap.json" --outFile="my-out-file.txt"