
GNN-based cost model for TVM's AutoScheduler

Primary LanguagePython

GNN-based Cost Model for TVM's AutoScheduler

A graph neural network (GNN)-based learned cost model for tensor program optimization. We capture global semantics and dependencies by embedding the abstract syntax tree (AST) of TVM's TensorIR programs into a GNN to predict precise execution costs. Currently, this model is specific to NVIDIA V100s and is trained using TLM's version of the TenSet dataset.

This is a staging repository we used to run experiments, we've integrated our model into TVM in this fork.

Repository Structure

Feature Extraction

Scripts to generate embeddings for each node in the TIR AST. The extract.py script decomposes high-level Relay networks into workloads (in TE) and lowers them to TIR. Using pre-order and post-order hooks, it builds a graph representation, from which uniform random walks are sampled to create the sentences for our corpus. word2vec.py and fasttext.py are used to fit the corresponding gensim models (and visualize the embeddings).


Converting the original TLM dataset's <MeasureInput, MeasureOutput> samples to PyTorch Geometric objects. lower_meas_recs.py reads JSONs with measure records from TLM, lowers the TE workloads to TensorIR sketches, and builds/saves graphs for the same. make_pt.py takes the graphs and converts them into PyTorch Geometric objects, complete with embeddings from FastText. split.py is for splitting the workloads into train/test/val sets.


fix_data.py does Z-Score normalization and data_analysis.py was used to create visuals for the report.


gcn.py is the training script for our primary model (3-layer GCN with TopK pooling). exps/ contains a bunch of other models/configurations we tried.


Contains direct evaluation scripts on the test dataset. train_xgboost.py extracts features from workloads included in the training dataset and uses them to train an XGBoost model. eval_xgb.py and eval_gcn.py run the corresponding models through the test set.


Contains the RPC server launcher for multi-gpu measurement during autoscheduling, and the slurm batch script to preprocess the dataset.